Chan-Ji Kim

(b. 1974, South Korea) composes for dance, chamber ensembles, orchestra, multimedia performances, and electroacoustic music. Her research and music areas of interest include collaboration between composer and choreographer, Korean folk music, and interactive electroacoustic composition. Recently, her music was performed by the Namaste ensemble in Hamburg, Germany, in Perugia, Italy, and in Habana, Cuba; the Nabla ensemble in Rome, Italy; the Alternity chamber orchestra in Florida, USA; and the Bartók Trio in Malaga, Spain.
Her major performances include the International Music Days in Constanta, Romania, International Double Reed Society conference, the Berlin New Music Concert performed by Anton Webern Quartet, the New Music Society concert in Seoul, Korea, the International New Music Consortium concert series in Bucharest, Romania, the Summer Music Festival in Florence and Assisi, Italy, the Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, Congress of the International Alliance of Women in Music, ICIA concert at the Symphony Space in New York City, IAEF concert at the Di Menna Center in New York City, the Society of Composers, Inc. national conference, the Millennium Dance Concert in New York City, and the World Music Days in Timisuara, Romania. Her article “Music for Clara Schumann” is published by Ji-hak Sa in Seoul, Korea and her music has been published by Calabrese Brothers Music, TrevCo Music, and The Sejong Cultural Society. Her music is also available on the album Nova (SCI CD series) by Parma, the album Mosaic by Emeritus, and on The Era of Modern Bassoon Album Collection by Akashibu Gakufu in Japan.
ChanJi Kim studied music composition and theory at E-Wha Women’s University in Korea (B.A.), New York University (M.A.), and University of Florida (Ph.D.). She is Associate Professor of Music and Chair of Performing Arts Department at Eastern Florida State College in Florida. More information at